NH Activists Spreading Information

New Hampshire activist and Free State Project member Mike Barskey was pulled over today just outside of Topeka Kansas. He had been pulled because he did not get out of the passing lane fast enough after a toll booth. After waiting for a K9 unit to sniff his motor-home he was given a warning and sent on his way.

On its own, this event isn’t that interesting. What is interesting is that it is now approximately 1 hour after Mike was pulled over and there are already 2 videos and 7 audio recordings available online of the relatively minor bit of harassment.

In addition I have just learned that area activist Sovereign Curtis has been arrested in Nashua through the same information channels. The speed that activists can spread information is nothing short of amazing, and this is just one more example. Every time the state tries to crack down on peaceful people, their violence is visible to all in mere minutes, not hours, day, or never as it had been in the past.

Barskey’s harassment and audio from Curtis’ arrest is at nh.porcupine411.com

Video of the arrest of Curtis

Video of the harassment of Mike

Video 2 from Mike


Mike was pulled over again in Kansas, cited for not having insurance, even though it’s not required in the state issuing his license and registration (New Hampshire, yet one more reason to move). Another drug dog sniff, this time it triggered, so his motor-home was searched, nothing found and he was sent on his way.

As of 1:30am Curtis is still in Nashua PD custody, has been fingerprinted, but no info on when he might be released.

Published in: on March 23, 2010 at 5:05 pm  Comments (3)  

More Arrests in Nashua

Via Porc411 there is news that the Nashua PD was waiting for the repeat 420 event today in Nashua and has arrested local activist Curtis. Activists are converging on the Nashua police station.

It has been requested that people call Nashua PD at 603 594-3500 to seek information.


It has been brought to my attention that Curtis has a back problem and it has been requested that Nashua PD be mad aware of this fact.

Published in: on March 23, 2010 at 4:54 pm  Leave a Comment